Human Resources
Human Resources
Do you think you're good enough? Do you like our projects and want to take part in our team? If so, here is the opportunity, the open positions below are waiting for you!
Iron Joinery Master
Factory Headquarters, Ankara / Ivedik
Vestibulum Nulla felis gravida, elit malesuada fames ac turpis velit, rhoncus eu, luctus et interdum adipiscing elit. Maybe it was and prefer the same. A perfect slices. Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed, vestibulum id, eleifend bibendum sapien massa ac turpis egestas vel.
Mandatory Qualifications:
- Iron Joinery Information
- Cutting Information
- Standard Business Rules
- Occupational Safety Information
- Having done his military service
Qualifications Required:
- Source Information
- Class B Driver's License
- Metal Information
- Preferably living near Ostim and its surroundings
If you have information and features that comply with the above requirements, please send your CV along with your personal information to [email protected] .
Resource Master
Factory Headquarters, Ankara / Ivedik
How ullamcorper pregnant. Relay cartoon hydrogen. Each course, wind laughter. A salad. The Bureau is no more than now, layer across the country. Lorem ipsum semper first and laughter. But even graduated. To by knowledge of protein at dolorttis, very smart
Mandatory Qualifications:
- Iron Joinery Information
- Cutting Information
- Standard Business Rules
- Occupational Safety Information
- Having done his military service
Qualifications Required:
- Source Information
- Class B Driver's License
- Metal Information
- Preferably living near Ostim and its surroundings
If you have information and features that comply with the above requirements, please send your CV along with your personal information to [email protected] .